Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Make Your Business Part Of The Family

We can rely on our families to continuously love and protect each other. A parent’s wisdom has provided generation after generation with sound reason and ample caution through countless decisions and situations. If the idea of hiring your kids or running a family business has been tossed around, stop pitching practices and get in the game.

The dependability, learning experiences, trust, bonding and influence of family values are hard to beat in the business world. If you are considering a family business, you are considering the opportunity to come together and build a supportive environment. Around 35 percent of Fortune 500 companies are family-controlled and represent the full spectrum of American companies from small business to major corporations. Furthermore, family businesses make up 62 percent of the country’s employment. The workday can evolve into a more comfortable place and, with boundaries that separate the professional from personal, after hours can offer security and contentment for everyone.

The IFA’s Educational Foundation’s research shows that over 900,000 franchised businesses provide 21 million jobs and contribute $2.3 trillion to the U.S. private sector economy. With such a variety, many families turn to franchising to grow their brand without the hassle of building a business from the ground up. Brands like Campbell, Ford and even Wal-Mart got its start as family business. They grew to be multi-million dollar companies and left a powerful legacy.

Stop tossing around ideas and get answers! FranNet is waiting to help guide your family to the right business. With 27 years of consulting experience, we’ll help get you closer to your ideal lifestyle. Of the tens of thousands of franchisees that we help get started, about one in four have involved people who wanted to run a family business or hire their children. FranNet has helped around 100 family businesses get off the ground every year.

Entering into a family-run franchise takes some planning. And even if you can address the basic concerns, there are some issues you probably haven't even considered. Call about a free consultation with a qualified and experienced franchise consultant. Make arrangements to speak with one of our representatives today!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Still Unsure Of The Millennial Generation?

It’s not set in stone, but generally “millennials” are said to be born somewhere between 1982 and the early 2000's. The exact dates may not be consistent, but the words used to describe this young group of individuals are. Millennials are said to be lazy, narcissistic, living with their parents, incapable of following rules, unemployed, unprepared and (here’s a popular one) in debt. These are just a few descriptions that encompass the people entering or participating in the modern workplace. Also, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that millennials will make up approximately 75% of the workforce by 2030. 

These harsh accusations are how the professional community imagines this generation. It is understandable why some millennials could feel defensive or angry, yet what should trouble them even more is the truth those words carry.

A study by PNC Financial Services Group confirmed millennials carry an average $45,000 in debt. Pew Research Center’s analysis of the 2012 U.S. Census Bureau data shows 36 percent of the nation’s young adults (ages 18 to 30) live with their parent’s. Forbes explained 68 percent of corporate recruiters say it’s difficult for their organizations to manage millennials because they don’t like red tape, arbitrary hierarchical structures, or being forced to follow a specific process. There is no denying the facts and it’s clear why companies feel the need to arm themselves with articles on “how to deal with them.”

In response, here are a few tips about millennials:
·      Keep an open mind. Not every young person to come before you will have the aforementioned qualities. You might find them to be very open to feedback, tech savvy, creative, flexible and ambitious.
·      Come to terms with the fact that millennials are going to move on. Instead of focusing on stopping them, look for ways to optimize the time they spend with your organization.
·      In a recent Deloitte poll, 70 percent of millennials say they'd reject traditional business to work independently. They are more likely than other generations to study majors related to entrepreneurialism, which shows their entrepreneurial spirit.
·      They look for immediate satisfaction and live heavily in the moment. Instead of trying to change this, integrate their energetic and participatory personality into your workplace.
·      They are optimistic, have high expectations and want to forge their own path. Use their drive and perspective to inspire positive company culture for your business.

The worst thing you could do is fear this generation of excited, hopeful young people. It’s fear and a lack of encouragement, challenges, open minds and lowered expectations that enforce the notion that it’s okay for millennials to have this reputation. It’s not okay.

To the millennials I say: prove you’re a hard worker and strive for success. To everyone else: Let them.

Franchising doesn’t have an age barrier. Out of the thousands of franchises to choose from, there is one that is right for you. Call about a free consultation with a qualified and experienced franchise consultant.